Why Shouldn’t You Start a Road Trip Late in the Night?
Why shouldn’t you start a road trip late in the night? It’s one of the important questions that comes in the minds of various travelers when planning a road trips. According to National Sleep Foundation, more than 6400 US deaths occur every year just because of drowsy driving.
Going out on a road trip late in the night might seem interesting but in real, it comes with various potential risks. The idea of driving in late night may seem appealing for several reasons like avoiding traffic, enjoy cooler atmosphere or just hangout to witness late night beauty.
Answering To: Why Shouldn’t You Start a Road Trip Late in the Night?
In this blog post, we are going to share potential risks or challenges that you may face on your next road trip. Also, we will share valuable tips for safe and enjoyable trip. Keep reading!

Driving late at night not only risk your life but also it poses other significant threats as well. Here are some reasons of why shouldn’t you start a road trip late in the night aceable:
Fatigue and Safety Concerns
1. Increased Risk of Drowsy Driving
Drowsy driving can be as dangerous as driving drunk, and can lead to accidents. Imagine you are fully tired and your body screams sleep, not only it’s dangerous but also it poses potential health risks. There are various drowsy driving signs like difficulty on focus, keeping eyes open and missing important traffic signs.
The time period when drivers are most at risk of driving while drowsy is when?
- There’s midnight before 6 a.m.
- Late afternoon
- Peak times
2. Reduced Reaction Times
With fatigue, your reaction time automatically decreases as you lose your ability to react to major hazards on time. Also, it can impair your decision-making abilities and overall awareness. So, it is advised to overcome fatigue issues on time or do not do driving late at night if you feel getting tired and lazy.
All of the following options are good strategies to avoid fatigue except drive aggressively:
- Eating smaller
- Staying hydrated
- Getting enough sleep
Visibility Issues

3. Limited Vision
Driving late at night ultimately increases the chances of reduced visibility. Limited vision not only reduces overall visibility but also it would be challenging for you to drive on unfamiliar and dangerous roads. Moreover, it’s difficult for you to see other vehicles, road signs, breakers and other obstacles.
Aggressive drivers can be dangerous because they confront other drivers and:
- Engage in reckless driving
- Running red lights
- Weaving through traffic
4. Glare from Headlights
Bad weather conditions such as rain, fog and snow not only reduce visibility but cause glare from coming traffic and headlights. Glare from headlights would make driving more hazardous and impair your vision. The sudden contrast between bright lights and darkness increases the chances of dangerous blindness.
Increased Chance of Encountering Wildlife

5. Higher Wildlife Activity:
Animals are more active at late night especially on the roads where wildlife locations are easily accessible. It increases the likelihood of encounters with various types of animals crossing the road. Not only it’s dangerous but also leads to serious accidents and injuries especially when there’s limited visibility.
Lack of Services and Support
6. Limited Rest Stops
When you are on a budget adventure travel, it is must that there are enough rest stops to refuel, eat, or take a break. But in late night, the issue is most of the gas stations, restaurants and rest areas may be closed or less accessible. It not only creates a problematic situation but also alarming situation especially when your vehicle needs fuel.
7. Emergency Services
Imagine you are on a road trip at late night and you want to avail any emergency support, definitely it would be dangerous. Getting emergency assistance may be more challenging and difficult late at night than you think. In remote areas, you couldn’t easily find emergency support so it’s also an alarming situation.
Increased Fatigue Over Time

8. Disruption of Sleep Schedule
Disturbing sleep schedule increase the risk of fatigue over time. Normally everyone has their own natural sleep schedule that can be disturbed when you start a road trip late at night. Disruption of sleep schedule not only weakens your sleep but also impose different health issues that you cannot improve sooner.
9. Longer Recovery Time
Driving late at night requires longer recover time. It means when your sleep cycle disturbed in one night, you need extra time to recover from sleep deprivation that may impact your overall travel experience. So, it’s not a piece of cake that you can recover from sleep deprivation within 1 or 2 days. It normally takes 4 to 5 days.
Decreased Road Safety
10. Lower Traffic Visibility
Lower traffic visibility includes worse road conditions and traffic patterns with low visibility. When you drive at night, you may experience that road conditions and traffic patterns can be less predictable that ultimately increase the risk of accidents. So, decreased road safety is also one of the major safety concerns when driving at night.
11. Increased Risk of Impaired Drivers
In mid-night and late-night hours, you may see a lot of inexperienced or impaired drivers even without driving license. Not only they drive harshly but also make roads dangerous for other drivers too. You may face this experience in areas where car racing competitions are conducted or where the traffic is not too high.
Which of These Tips is Not a Good Way to Combat Drowsy Driving?
- Not taking breaks on long road trips
- Do not intake caffeine
- Sleep deprivation issues
- Do not get ready for road trip
- Drive with less visibility
Which of the Following is a Good Strategy to Avoid Fatigue While Driving?
- Get enough rest before going on a road trip
- Maintain good body posture
- Take regular breaks
- Must stop at rest area
Tips for Safe and Enjoyable Travel

It is recommended not to travel late at night especially on dangerous roads. But if you are passionate one to drive at night, we are going to share with you some travel tips that would make your journey safe and enjoyable.
1. Plan Ahead
Plan your road trip journey ahead to avoid potential threats or risks. If it’s easy for you to travel in daylight, we highly recommend go on a road trip during daytime. With this, you can enjoy safely without any risk.
2. Take Breaks
If you want to drive at late night, must take short breaks to rest and refresh yourself. By taking short breaks, you cannot face the fatigue and drowsy driving issues. Also, do not forget to stay hydrated yourself on the travel.
3. Stay Alert
Staying active and alert is the key to make road trips safe and enjoyable. To stay active, you can take short power naps, use caffeine and tea to avoid yourself from feeling drowsy. Other than these, there are no any substitutes for proper rest.
4. Travel with a Co-Driver
Do not commit a mistake by traveling solo or going with those from which no one knows how to drive. When you travel with a co-driver, you can share driving duties when you feel down, face fatigue and drowsy issues. Also, co-drivers will help you stay alert and active during travel in case if you get sleepy on the road.
Final Thoughts!
We have thoroughly guided you in this article on why shouldn’t you start a road trip late in the night? Road trip at late night comes with various potential hazards and risks that not only threaten your life but also disturb your visibility with glare effects.
If still you want to enjoy night ride with your friends or family, do not forget to follow the above-mentioned tips. Remember, the ultimate goal of road trip is not only to reach your travel destination but also enjoy your trip to the fullest.
1. Why should vehicles with out-of-state license plates be given extra room on the road?
One and only reason to give out-of-license plate vehicles extra room on the road as they may not familiar with road conditions and signs.
2. What is the safest time of day to drive?
You can drive from early morning to late evening to enjoy smooth and safe drive. If you are expert in driving and avoid traffic, it is recommended to drive between 3 am to 6 am to avoid traffic issues.
3. What is the best time of day to start a long road trip?
Early morning is the best time of day to start a long road trip to avoid fatigue and road danger effects.
4. Why shouldn’t you start a road trip late?
Starting a road trip late at night can lead to fatigue & decreased visibility issues and both of these could become a reason of accidents.