
Write for us

Are you passionate about writing travel blogs? Then you’ve come to the right place. We are a group of travel bloggers looking for writers to write for us. You can write for us or guest post, you just need to have a passion for travel and writing. We want to hear your story and provide an opportunity to share your travel stories, personal experiences, insider tips, travel hacks, and destination guides. After all travel experiences are meant to be shared!

Share Your Views

Have you gone to a location that brings out strong emotions in you? Tell the story. Have you ever travelled to a stunning national park or a lengthy bicycle ride? Tell the story. These can include essays, blog articles, or time-sensitive newsworthy themes, such as advice for an approaching event or a write-up to raise social awareness about a specific area. Read a few of the published blog posts on our site to get to know more.

How to Write for Traveler Wiz?

We want content to be well-written and without any grammar errors. Writing for Traveler Wiz will be simple by following the requirements and writers’ guidelines below. After being invited to write for the site, we’ll give you a basic introduction and guide on how you need to format and edit your work for publication (write for us travel blog, write for us” + travel paid, “write for us” + travel free). If you want your article or blog to be published quickly, follow the requirements mentioned below.


  • Submit travel destination-related articles. 
  • Before sending me an article, please get your topic approved. 
  • The word count should be 1000-1500 words. 
  • Blogs must be 100% original and not AI-generated.
  • We want short paragraphs, and subheadings after every few paragraphs.
  • When uploading the photo, include the alt tag as a phrase. 
  • Include recommendations for breakfast, lunch, and dinner restaurants in your post. 
  • Also include your top recommendations for activities, such as attractions and trips, and give a couple of “Where to Stay” recommendations (cheap or hostel, mid-range, and luxury). 
  • Provide at least six photos taken at the destination (not stock images). Without one, it’s difficult to believe the author was present. 
  • Do not email me photos that you do not own. If necessary, I can find photographs licensed under creative commons or in the public domain.
  • You’re required to provide your contributor information, including a photo, a brief biography, and links to your website and social network accounts. 
  • When you’re finished with your article, save it as a draft. (Don’t publish the article). 

What You Get!

  • A travel platform where you can share your travel stories and experiences. 
  • Your blogs will be shared across different social media platforms so that more people can see your work. 

What We Get!

  • Growth of our website.
  • Opportunities to share more travel destinations and guides to the world. 

Writing Guidelines

  • Reliability: The content should be original and show first-hand real experience. The content should not be same or copied from any other website. 
  • Tone: Our blogs are not written in an overly formal tone. That’s why to match our brand personality, write your blogs in a friendly tone like you are talking to your family, friends, or colleagues.
  • Topic: The topic that you choose for your blogs should be related to our destinations and tours. External links from unaffiliated websites are not allowed.
  • Audience: Our audience is diverse. We accept any travel blogs that provide a different experience, viewpoint, and perspective to our audience. 

Why Write for Traveler Wiz?

Submit your write for us travel blog and have exposure to a variety of audiences. Travel Wiz offers you an author bio on your blog post. We also provide a follow link to your preferred website or social media platform.

How To Find Similar Travel Blogs in Google?

  1. “write for us” Travel
  2. Travel blog “write for us”
  3. Travel + “write for us”
  4. write for us “Travel”
  5. Travel “guest post”
  6. Travel “guest article”
  7. Travel “this is a guest post by”
  8. Travel “contributing writer”
  9. Travel “want to write for”
  10. Travel “submit blog post”
  11. Travel “contribute to our site”
  12. Travel “guest column”
  13. Travel “submit content”
  14. Travel “submit your content”
  15. Travel “submit post”
  16. “travel blog accepting guest posts”
  17. “write for us travel”
  18. “contribute to travel blog”
  19. “guest post opportunities travel blog”
  20. “travel blogs looking for guest writers”


  1. “[Travel niche] blog accepting guest posts” (e.g., “budget travel blog accepting guest posts”)
  2. “travel + [topic] guest post” (e.g., “travel + photography guest post”)
  3. “[Destination] travel blog guest post” (e.g., “Bali travel blog guest post”)
  4. “[Travel website name] write for us”

Using Keywords:

  1. “travel guest posting guidelines”
  2. “submit guest post travel blog”
  3. “travel blog contribution opportunities”
  4. “become a travel writer for a blog”
  5. “travel writing opportunities for beginners”

Advanced Searches:

  1. intitle:”write for us” + travel
  2. inurl:”guest-post-guidelines” + travel
  3. “travel blog” “guest post”
  4. site:[country code].com (e.g., “travel blog” “contribute”
  5. [Social media platform] groups “travel blogs accepting guest posts”

Combining Strategies:

  1. “[Travel niche] + intitle:’write for us'”
  2. “[Destination] travel blog + ‘guest post'”
  3. “[Travel topic] + “contribute to blog'”
  4. “travel blogs that accept guest posts 2024”

Finding Guest Post Lists:

  1. “[Travel niche] guest posting sites”
  2. “list of travel blogs accepting guest posts”
  3. “[Travel website name] guest post submission”
  4. “[Travel writer community] guest post opportunities”

Additional Tips:

  1. Replace bracketed terms with specific keywords relevant to your niche and interests.
  2. Use quotation marks to search for exact phrases.
  3. Explore travel forums and communities for recommendations.
  4. Check individual blog’s “about us” or “contact” page for guest posting information.
  5. Follow travel bloggers on social media for updates on guest posting opportunities.

Bonus Queries:

  1. “travel blogs for women accepting guest posts”
  2. “travel blogs for families accepting guest posts”
  3. “luxury travel blog accepting guest posts”
  4. “adventure travel blog accepting guest posts”
  5. “eco-travel blog accepting guest posts”
  6. “sustainable travel blog accepting guest posts”
  7. “food and travel blog accepting guest posts”
  8. “digital nomad travel blog accepting guest posts”
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